Saturday, December 26, 2009

Gmail vs Yahoo! Mail

Posted on 6:09 PM by janoko menebar cinta

By : Myself

When you are losing your Gmail or Yahoo password, it is a bad bad situation. There are must be many important documents, personal data, some passwords, or businness reports.. hmm.. Thats will be a worse trouble when you forgot you security question both the answer.

Here is an advice that before you make an account, you must write all about privacy security stuffs. But how to write too many password, and all this kind of information included in the registration form?? thats always make boring ^_^. You might be better to attach an alternate email. thats a Very Very Important important thing to do. You must have at least one dummy email as secondary email to where you may ask about password changement. Once you reset your password with its procedure, your new password is sent to your dummy email. and you ll get your email Back.. ^_^

Lets see how Gmail's and Yahoo's differ in password changement procedure:

Gmail will have this steps:

 1. You will see a security code

2. You must enter you answer of security question, in many cases, someone forgot this. You have alternatif way, by simply send a new password to your primary and secondary email, with no need to know what your 2nd email is.

3. You will see this confirmation page that an email has sent to your 2nd email.

How about Yahoo procedures?
I think you must do it harder than Gmail
1. A security code will shown like in Gmail.

2. Then you will see 2 choices : You can write your alternate email, and you can choose the second way, thats a f**king security question. When you write email, you must remember what is the name of your 2nd email, even there is a clue. But its going worse if you are forgotten.

3. Thats i said, in many cases, someone forgot this.

So, I can say that, it is easier to get your lost password back using Gmail. And i recommend you using Gmail than Ymail... hehehehe

22 Response to "Gmail vs Yahoo! Mail"

Asep sukarman Says....

info menarik nie saya seneng bisa koment di sini sering seringa berkunjung isi shotmix lanksung menuju post, insya allah saya datang kembali memenuhi undangan serta memberi komentar pada postingan selanjutnya

hapy nice day
asep sukarman blogs

van Says....

yeeppp,,,emang aku lebih suka gmail daripada ymail...sippp postingannya

janoko menebar cinta Says....

hihi.. coba liat deh gambar yang paling bawah.. Yahoo nulis tulisan password nya salah = PASSSWORD

elyas Says....

menurut saya gmail lebih mantab karena..
si gmail milik mbah google hehehehe

moenas Says....

kayanya semuanya sama saja yg penting gratisssssss he,,he,,he,,

janoko menebar cinta Says....

2 2 nya bagus kok. ^_^ artikel ini hanya ingin menunjukkan perbedaan keduanya dalam melakukan password reset. karena sekarang ini banyak sekali kasus pencurian id email dan facebook. ini juga karena pegenalaman pribadi menggunakan email (yahoo dan gmail). atikel ini menunjukkan bagaimana lebih mudahnya penggantian passwrd dengan Gmail dibandingkan Ymail aja.. ^_^

Bayu The Maniac Says....

aq udah nyoba keduanya dan aq pkir enakan gmail ...
ymail banyak spam nya ...

megi Says....

aku pake 22nya...
gmail buat blog, ymail buat fb
thanks infonya, salam kenal...

tamuramaro aizawa Says....

kk tolong ilmu'a donk saya baru memakai yahoo
saya lupa password yahoo saya dan pertanyaan di yahoo ..

tlong ilmu nya kk.. ada data" penting di dalamnya

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